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Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC)
An MSIC is a nationally recognised identification card which demonstrates the cardholder has met the necessary background requirements to work in a maritime security zone. It shows that the holder has met the minimum security requirements to work unescorted or unmonitored in a maritime security zone and is not considered a threat to maritime security.
Due to legislation changes effective 1 August 2017, all applicants are required to present original identity documents in-person to a representative of Gladstone Ports Corporation’s (GPC) MSIC issuing body.
GPC's Security, Induction and MSIC office wishes to advise that payments for MSIC applications can now be processed online, using PayWay.
Updated cardholder obligations with effect 23 August 2021: From 23 August 2021 a person’s eligibility to hold an MSIC and work in the most secure areas of Australia’s seaports will be assessed against new tiered and harmonised eligibility criteria. Once the new criteria is implemented, all existing cardholders will have 30 days to self-report against the new criteria to either your issuing body, or the Department of Home Affairs. Under the new requirement, cardholders and applicants who do not self-report relevant offences within this 30 day period may be fined up to $4,440. Please see attached documents for further information.
Department of Home Affairs Letter to Cardholders - New Tiered and Harmonised Eligibility Criteria
Information for Cardholders on Serious Crime Reforms - FAQs and Flowchart
We recommend all applicants, both new and existing card holders, allow sufficient time for processing. Background checks are coordinated by AusCheck and can take up to six weeks to process, even if an applicant has held an MSIC previously. There is no limit for how early you can submit a new MSIC application.
More information
For information or assistance regarding the MSIC application process, please email or phone the GPC's MSIC Office on 07 4976 1270