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Return an MSIC

You must return your MSIC if any of the following occur:

  • your MSIC has expired

  • your MSIC has been cancelled

  • your MSIC has been damaged, altered or defaced

  • you no longer have an operational need to hold an MSIC.

If you have left your current employer and believe that within the next 12 months you may have a new operational need to hold the MSIC you are entitled to retain your MSIC for this period. 

Expired card


Your expired MSIC must be returned to your issuing body within 30 days of its expiry date. If you do not return your expired MSIC within this time frame, this offence is worth 10 penalty units. As of July 2017, one penalty unit is worth $210. 

Surrendered card


If you hold a valid MSIC issued by Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) and become aware that you no longer have a requirement to hold the card, then you must surrender the MSIC. To surrender your card, you will need to:

  1. Complete the Surrender MSIC Form.

  2. Return the card and form to Gladstone Ports Corporation MSIC issuing body.

If you have surrendered your card you may reapply to have your MSIC reissued within 12 months from the date of cancellation. Refer to Replace an MSIC for more information.

How to return your MSIC


You can return or surrender your GPC MSIC either:


In person


Gladstone Ports Corporation
MSIC Issuing Body Office
44 Goondoon Street
Gladstone QLD 4680 


By post


Gladstone Ports Corporation
MSIC Issuing Body Office
Attention: MSIC Issuing Officer
44 Goondoon Street
Gladstone QLD 4680

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