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MSIC Application Requirements

Before Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) can process your Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC) application, you are required under legislation to provide us with documents to verify your identity. Applicants are now required to present their original identification documents in-person to GPC MSIC Issuing Body. 

Applicants are required to present a minimum of three identification documents, one from each Category A, B and C. A Category D document is only required if the Category A, B or C documents do not display proof of current residential address. Please note that photocopies or certified copies of documents cannot be accepted.

All identification documents must contain exact name matches unless the name variation is supported by a Government-issued linking document, as per the Change of name — linking documents information below.

Please find below a breakdown of the different categories of identification required for an MSIC application. If you have any queries surrounding which documentation will be applicable for yourself, please contact GPC's Security, Induction and MSIC office via email or by phoning 07 4976 1270 for further assistance.


Category A — start of your Identity in Australia

  • Australian birth certificate. Must be the full registered certificate, not an extract or commemorative certificate. 

  • Australian citizenship certificate

  • Australian citizenship by descent

  • Immicard

  • Australian visa. Must be presented with the supporting foreign passport (may be expired but must be original). 

Visit the ​Australian Government Births, Deaths and Marriages website to obtain a copy of your Australian birth certificate.

​Category B — your identity linked by photo and signature 


It must be Government-issued, current and valid. 


Examples include: 

  • driver licence (Australian or foreign)

  • passport (Australian or foreign)

  • Australian proof of age card​

  • Australian security licence.


Category C — evidence of your identity within the community 


It must be current and valid.


Examples include: 

  • Medicare card

  • Marriage Certificate or Change of Name Certificate

  • MSIC or Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC)

  • bank card​.

Category D — evidence of your current residential address


Category D evidence is only required if your current address is not shown on Category A, B or C. Documentation must be less than six months old.


Examples include: 

  • rates notice or land valuation notice

  • utility bill (electricity, phone, internet, water etc)

  • current lease or tenant agreement​

  • electoral enrolment.

Change of name — linking documents 


Your identification documents must contain exact name matches unless the name variation is supported by a Government-issued linking document, for example a marriage certificate or change of name certificate. If you have had a name change, you must also provide the linking document to explain this change in name, in addition to the Categories listed above.

Note: A linking document must be an official document containing a registration number. For example, a 'Certificate of Marriage' signed on your wedding day is not acceptable however, a 'Marriage Certificate' registered through Births, Deaths, Marriages is acceptable.

Letter of operational need 


When providing a letter of operational need it will need to state that the applicant has an operational need to hold an MSIC if his or her occupation or business interests require, or will require, him or her to have unmonitored access to a maritime security zone at least once per year. The legal name of the applicant must be used on the letter. 

View an example of the required letter of operational need template

Right to work 


Before an MSIC can be issued to an applicant, GPC MSIC issuing body must be satisfied that the applicant has a right to work in Australia.


One of the following must apply:

  • the person has shown the issuing body a document that is evidence that he or she is an Australian citizen (for example, his or her Australian birth certificate, Australian passport or certificate of Australian citizenship)

  • the Issuing Body is satisfied that the person holds a visa entitling him or her to work in Australia.

GPC's MSIC Issuing Body will verify your 'work rights' status at your MSIC interview. Please ensure your details are correct within the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) system. 

When the applicant is only entitled to remain in Australia because he or she holds a visa, then the expiry date of the MSIC will be no later than the date on which the visa expires. This means that the MSIC will be set to expire at the same time as the applicant’s visa. 

For example: John holds a visa for "working rights" until July 2019, he applied for a two-year MSIC in August 2018 and this is approved. The card however will expire on the date of his visa and not in August 2020.

Further information regarding citizenship and right to work status can be obtained by visiting the Australian Government website or by calling 131 881.

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