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Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership
The Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP) is a consortium representing government, industry, research groups and the community. We are pleased to be a part of this partnership and provide support to this group as it builds on the work of the Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Program (PCIMP) over the past decade.
The primary goal of the GHHP is to gain a shared understanding of what a healthy harbour should be, environmentally, socially and economically and it will hopefully take the monitoring of Port Curtis to the next level. The understanding gained will inform the development of a monitoring program to satisfy the healthy harbour vision.
Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Program
Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Program Inc. (PCIMP) is the first collaborative monitoring program to be undertaken for the whole of the Port Curtis. The Gladstone-based program conducts ambient mid to far field monitoring of water bodies for the whole of Port Curtis, which extends from the northern end of the Narrows to Rodds Bay and includes the harbour and its tributaries.
In 2011, the program became an incorporated association and was renamed Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Program Inc.
PCIMP was established in 2001 as a consortium of members from 16 bodies representing industry, government (both local and state) research institutions and other stake holders to develop a long-term cooperative monitoring program for Port Curtis and to ensure the environmental sustainability of the Port of Gladstone.
The continuation of the program ensures the trends in water and sediment quality in Port Curtis are assessed and monitored, thereby enabling clean and healthy waters for recreational use, marine sustainability and minimal impact into the adjoining World Heritage Area and the Great Barrier Reef.