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Our Port operations are carried out in accordance with world's best practice.
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) manage and operate three Port precincts — the Port of Gladstone, including the Gladstone Marina and its recreational parklands, Port of Rockhampton and Port of Bundaberg.
Our ports handle the import of raw materials and the export of finished products and resources from local industries.
Combined import and export tonnage in the 2018-19 financial year totalled 124.8.million tonnes (Mt). Of this, 124.02Mt came through the Port of Gladstone, 222.2 kilotonne (kt) through the Port of Rockhampton, and 548.2kt through the Port of Bundaberg.
We are unique among Australian ports corporations as we not only conduct the functions of a landlord ports corporation, but also own and operate cargo handling facilities within the Port of Gladstone, including the world's fourth largest coal export terminal, RG Tanna Coal Terminal.