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Mooring Services
Gladstone Ports Corporation's (GPC) Gladstone Marina offers the boating fraternity a first-class base from which to cruise the Capricorn and Bunker Reef Groups of the Great Barrier Reef waters.
Situated Lat 23° 50', Long 151° 15', the Gladstone Marina is a modern complex for yachting and boating activity. With 320 mooring berths and a combination of fixed wharf and pontoon moorings, the Gladstone Marina moorings can cater to private, charter and service vessels.
The floating marina system utilises concrete encased styrene pontoons and allows generous mooring and manoeuvring space with each pen area.
Investing in both the visiting and local boating community, GPC introduced four floating dry docks in November 2020. The new docks are available for boats up to three tonne – opening up the benefits of a marina to trailer boat owners.
The combination of the sheltered waters of Port Curtis, the marina basin, and marina pen design allow for safe mooring even during inclement weather.
Mooring at the Marina
Each berth has access to 240V power supply and fresh water. Other great facilities include shower and toilet blocks, telephones, free barbeques, playground equipment, landscaped gardens and walking tracks.
Gladstone Marina Schedule of Rates of Charges – From 1 July 2022
Gladstone Marina Live On Board Schedule of Rates and Charges – From 1 July 2022
Pay for your stay
Payment can be made online or provided at the time of your arrival by EFTPOS, cheque or cash (exact amount only). Please note that we do not accept American Express or Diners Club.
Please note:
if paying online, your Mooring Permit must be completed and approved prior to using our online service
if paying at the time of arrival, please ensure you bring your completed Mooring Permit with you for processing.
Marina maps
From 1 July 2012 any vessel utilisiting GPC’s Marina and Auckland Creek facilities will be required to supply a copy of their insurance policy to the Gladstone Marina office. This insurance must include Damage to other Vessels, Salvage and Environmental Damage Cover (including discharge of any fuels, lubricants etc).
Transient vessels are also required to meet GPC’s compulsory insurance requirements.
Vessels who do not have the appropriate insurance will not be permitted in the Gladstone Marina/Auckland Creek.
Entrances to the Gladstone Harbour
There are three entrance channels, eliminating backtracking:
South — via the main shipping channels to Round Hill, Pancake Creek and southern ports
North — via the North Channel past South End Entrance to Reef Islands and Cape Capricorn
North-west — via the Narrows to Roslyn Bay, Keppel Islands and northwards — the Narrows Channel is navigable by working the tides to suit vessel drafts.
More information
For more information about our mooring services please email or phone the Gladstone Marina office on 07 4976 1399.