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School Engagement
Educational port tours and school talks
Our ports, in particular the Port of Gladstone, offer an educational experience to students of all ages.
School tours, excursions and classroom visits with a guest speaker assist us in maintaining our link with our regional schools and promote greater awareness of our ports’ activities and the role we play in the local and state economy.
Student bursary program
For over 30 years Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) has offered bursaries to high schools in the Gladstone and Rockhampton regions, and more recently, the Bundaberg region.
The bursary initiative forms part of our Community Investment Program, focusing on encouraging students to explore their options and further their educational journey.
Recipients are selected by their respective schools based on selection criteria provided by GPC, which includes attitude, academic achievements and commitment to community.
We have also introduced the Talent Today, Talent Tomorrow Secondary School Bursary and Talent Today, Talent Tomorrow University Scholarship programs for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian South Sea Islander students in the Gladstone region.
More information
To arrange a tour of our sites, a guest speaker at your school, or for more information about our bursary program, please email or phone our Corporate and Community Relations team on 1800 243 GPC