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Biodiversity Offset Strategy
The Biodiversity Offset Strategy (BOS), a compliance requirement under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) approval for the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal project, has been developed by Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) to provide tangible initiatives aimed at avoiding potential impacts to the values of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, National Heritage Place and EPBC Act listed threatened migratory species. The objective of the strategy is to provide for long-term conservation of threatened and migratory species, including their habitats, that may be impacted by activities associated with the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project.
Biodiversity Offset Strategy — approved by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, July 2012
BOS boundary

BOS initiatives
The BOS will fund projects for the region and wider bioregion as outlined in the map, from 2012 to at least 2020, which includes the following initiatives:
Projects underway
Acquisition of high value ecological land to protect from development
Coral mapping and restoration
Declared Fish Habitat Area (FHA) investigations in the Central Queensland region
Integrated environmentally friendly mooring (EFMs) program
Provide funding for a proposed marine rehabilitation facility in Gladstone
Stormwater pollution control
Upper to lower catchment water quality monitoring and improvement of water quality in the Boyne or Calliope Rivers.
Projects completed
Assessment of marine traffic
Distribution, maintenance and monitoring of Tngler bins
Integrated map of all protected areas and sensitive habitats in the region and the wider bioregion.
Visit our Environmental Reports to find any associated reports with the above initiatives.
Marine Fish Habitat Offset
The Marine Fish Habitat Offset outlines Fisheries Queensland initiatives for future research, studies and appropriate works for fish habitat rehabilitation and enhancement in Port Curtis region.
These initiatives include:
creation of additional fish habitats
rehabilitation works
implement marine plant management plans
declared fish habitat area (FHA) investigations
enhanced FHA management
applied fish habitat research
fish habitat mapping.
This offset program is partly funded by the BOS.
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Offset
The Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Offset has been specified under the Co-ordinator General's report for an Environmental Impact Study for the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project which should consist of funding and/or in-kind contributions towards measures including, but not be limited to:
enhanced understanding of the displacement of key marine fauna species from affected habitat areas in Western Basin and any associated effects on regional populations
contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion, which may include funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols, education campaigns for recreational fishers on risks of marine fauna boat strike and improved management of key shorebird habitat areas
contribution to habitat enhancement/restoration actions in the region or the wider bioregion such as ‘seagrass friendly’ mooring systems, wetland rehabilitation projects and water quality improvement programs.
A review of the conditions outlined for the BOS and the Marine Coastal Biodiversity Offset indicates a significant overlap, providing the opportunity to combine funds of the shared conditions to obtain an improved overall biodiversity outcome.
More information
For information about our Biodiversity Offset Strategy (BOS) please email or phone our Environment team on 07 4976 1333.