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Plans, Policies, Procedures and Standards

Health, Safety and Environment Standards


Tenders may reference any of the following documents.

If referenced, the documents will form part of the tender and subsequent purchase order or contract. The tenderer must familiarise themselves with the referenced documents as well as those listed at and their use and cost to the final purchase price.

GPC is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers as well as visitors and members of the public and we strive for best practice in health and safety management. 


GPC is committed to instilling a culture focused on continuous improvement and safety sustainability and have developed and maintained a safety management system certified to AS 4801 and are in the process of migrating certification to ISO 45001. Key Procedures for working safely while on GPC owned or operated sites and/or when performing activities on behalf of GPC can be found at 

Please ensure you familiarise your business and your employees with these safety expectations.

For further information or support on application of a Procedure, contact your GPC Representative.

Plans, Policies and Procedures

Site Standards

This section is currently under construction.


For Tender queries, please contact the nominated GPC representative listed within QTender or the Tender inquiry you are responding to.

For current contracts, contract your nominated Contract Delegate.

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