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Our Pathway to a Sustainable Future
As Australia’s premier multi-commodity port, we proactively lead a balanced approach to the daily activities and future planning, development and growth of the organisation, the port and terminal operations through a commitment to efficiency, adaptation, resilience and integration with economic, environmental, social and equitable considerations.
Ports are a significant and vital part of moving trade globally. Supported by a comprehensive network of road, rail and shipping channels, our three ports are the gateway for trade, jobs and prosperity to local and regional communities, the state of Queensland and the nation while protecting our surrounding environment.
Sustainability Strategy
We are on the verge of unprecedented opportunity with our Sustainability strategy capturing our commitment to a sustainable future while acknowledging past and present sustainable achievements and practices. Developed in consultation with our people and external stakeholders, it is about telling ‘Our Story’ and advancing short and longer-term initiatives / programs and daily activities.
It is guided by our Sustainability Policy and Standard to deliver a future focussed sustainable organisation for the benefit of key stakeholders through our sustainability framework, consisting of three key elements which are enabled through the ability to innovate, adapt, partner and ongoing learning:
Our Ports: Growth and prosperity of current and new trade, drive efficiencies, maintain strong corporate governance structures, protect critical supply chains and partner with industry to increase economic value. Think long-term, encourage innovation and promote positive, continuous improvement for a prosperous future.
Our Environment: Lead through robust identification of issues, active environmental management, impact avoidance, strong protection of environmental values and response to climate change.
Our People & Communities: Safety and wellbeing of our people with culturally appropriate work environment supporting ongoing learning and development. Support, engage and enhance partnerships with our community including Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander peoples and their communities.
As part of our Sustainability journey, we are embedding sustainable initiatives throughout the business to meet the Ports Australia Sustainability Strategy Development guide, Reef 2050 Plan, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the World Port Sustainability Program requirements. Further to this, daily activities, business decisions, projects and systems adopt new ways of thinking about Sustainability with decisions made through a sustainable lens. This requires a balanced evaluation of economic (Our Ports), natural environment (Our Environment) and social (Our People and Communities) considerations to drive long term sustainable solutions.
GPC has identified twenty (20) key material topics, under the three themes of the sustainability framework, aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Our Ports
Facilitate, Grow & Diversify Trade: Harness the opportunities offered by the next wave of globalisation, new energy and new technology.
Intergenerational Port Planning: Plan, manage and develop our ports in a coordinated, balanced and sustainable manner to facilitate the continued growth of trade and infrastructure.
Contribution to Queensland’s Economy: Deliver dividends for Queensland and support the local, regional and state economy through job creation.
Port Efficiency: Ensure prudent and efficient operations to improve port performance and future-proof port assets.
Governance, Ethical and Transparent Behaviour: Promote stewardship, leadership, ethical values and behaviours, and responsible decision making through a fair and just culture, striving for high performance.
Working with Our Business Partners: Collaborate with organisations, aligned with GPC values, to facilitate opportunities, address challenges and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
Technology and Automation Readiness: Increase efficiencies and sustainability of technology for long-term growth.
Our Environment
Clean & Safe Shipping through Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (REEF2050): Partner with key stakeholders to ensure the safe passage of vessels through the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) and local waterways to minimise potential impacts while protecting its inherent value.
Biodiversity / Habitat Protection and Improvement: Preserve and improve the inherent value of the environment, maintaining the balance between our operations and surrounding environments as proud and responsible custodians.
Protection of Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area values: Avoid, mitigate and/or offset potential impacts from development on environmental values through innovative projects, partnerships and research.
Minimising Port Terminal Impacts: Responsibly manage our port facilities and services in an environmentally responsible manner, continually seeking to improve our environmental performance.
Environmental Communications and Engagement: Engage and partner with our stakeholders to enhance knowledge to strategically reduce impacts and improve corporate image.
Responding to Climate Change: Understand, identify and address potential climate change risks and opportunities to assist GPC to adapt and transition for long-term prosperity.
Our People and Communities
Employee Safety, Health and Wellbeing: Enhance safety performance and culture to achieve zero harm for our employees, contractors and the community. Promote health and wellbeing initiatives so our employees can work healthy and retire well.
Fair and Equitable Labour Practices: Identify, recruit and develop diverse talent, based on merit, to align with GPC values and achieve organisational outcomes.
Organisational Culture & Employee Engagement: Develop a constructive organisational culture that recognises and rewards people performance to position GPC as an employer of choice, based on both performance and employee experience metrics.
Partnerships with the Community: Empower and collaborate with local community groups, not-for-profits, schools and organisations on projects to improve the region’s prosperity.
Enhanced Community Engagement: Inform and engage with stakeholders through proactive and transparent communication to build trust and gather feedback to shape GPC’s strategic thinking and future planning.
Community Infrastructure: Provide and maintain community infrastructure, parklands and facilities to improve community access to the waterfront and promote wellbeing.
Indigenous Partnerships: Deliver our Reconciliation Action Plan, working alongside the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng and Taribelang Bunda peoples to strengthen relationships, foster respect, ensure accountability and increase opportunities for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Australian South Sea Islander peoples.
Additional Links
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ )
World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP) (https://sustainableworldports.org/)
Ports Australia Sustainability (https://www.portsaustralia.com.au/value-of-ports/sustainability )