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Land Use Planning
Port Land Use Plans
We have prepared two Land Use Plans (LUPs) for all strategic port lands under our management in the Port of Gladstone, Port of Rockhampton (Port Alma Shipping Terminal) and Port of Bundaberg. The LUPs are developed in accordance with the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 and are approved by the Minister of Transport. The LUPs specify our strategic port land, the land proposed to become strategic port land and the current and proposed uses of the land.
We govern the location and types of new development and operations at its ports in accordance with the LUPs. All new development on strategic port land must comply with the requirements of the LUP and associated development codes for code assessable development. The LUPs must be reviewed every eight years and incorporate the outcomes of the Priority Port of Gladstone Master Plan.
Port of Gladstone Land Use Plan 2021 – Statement of Proposal
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) is preparing a new Land Use Plan for the Port of Gladstone.
A new Land Use Plan is developed every eight years and provides an opportunity for the community to review and comment on how development on strategic port land is regulated and managed. The plan identifies strategic port land to be used for port and industry development, and provides the framework for GPC to assess and approve development on port land.
Under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, GPC is required to prepare and release a Statement of Proposal when making or amending Land Use Plans.
The Statement of Proposal identifies matters GPC anticipates the Land Use Plan will address, states how GPC intends to address these matters, and provides the opportunity for stakeholders to provide comment to GPC to assist in the development of the Land Use Plan.
Public consultation on the Statement of Proposal is now open and closes on 8 September 2021.
View the proposal now and have your say on the future of the Port of Gladstone: engagegpc.com.au/gladstone-land-use-plan.
You can make a submission online through Engage GPC or alternatively, you can post a written submission to the address below. Postal submissions must include the full name, address and signature of each person who is making the submission.
Port of Gladstone Land Use Plan – Statement of Proposal Submission
Gladstone Ports Corporation
PO Box 259
Gladstone QLD 4680
Port of Bundaberg Land Use Plan 2020
GPC has prepared a new Land Use Plan for the Port of Bundaberg. The Land Use Plan was gazetted on 21 May 2021.
Land Use Plans identify strategic port land to be used for port and industry development. The plan provides the framework for GPC to assess and approve development on port land.
Download the endorsed Port of Bundaberg Land Use Plan 2020 here.
The public consultation for the Port of Bundaberg Land Use Plan closed on 7 August 2020.
View the Draft Land Use Plan here
A Statement of Proposal to prepare a new plan was released for public comment from 4 November 2017 to 12 January 2018 as an earlier part of this process.
Priority Port Master Plan
Master planning for the Port of Gladstone is part of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050 Plan) and mandated under the Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (Ports Act).
Port master planning facilitates sustainable development of priority ports such as the Port of Gladstone in balancing long-term economic growth, job creation, environmental values and community interests, while providing protection for the Great Barrier Reef.
An independent environmental panel reviewed the master plan, advising it adequately considers the principles of ecologically sustainable development, the Reef 2050 Plan and the Independent Review of the Port of Gladstone.
State Development Area Development Schemes
State Development Areas (SDAs) are areas that have been designated by the Queensland Government in the Port of Gladstone and the Port of Bundaberg. Development in SDAs is regulated by the Queensland Government in accordance with SDA development schemes.
Where strategic port land is located within an SDA, new development is regulated under the relevant SDA development scheme. However, any aspect of development on strategic port land that is not assessable under the SDA development scheme is assessable under the ports LUP and will still require development approval from GPC.