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Community Investment Program
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) is a significant investor of both monetary and in-kind support in the local port communities of Gladstone, Rockhampton and Bundaberg.
As a Government Owned Corporation, it is important that GPC manages community investments in a responsible manner, ensuring that any investment aligns with our values and corporate objectives.
GPC’s Community Investment Program aims to support and enhance the region in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner through the following categories - Profile Partner, Community Partnerships, Community Support and Grants and Donations.
Each financial year, GPC invests in the Gladstone, Rockhampton and Bundaberg regions by funding community projects, supporting local endeavours and providing and maintaining our community parklands.
Funding opportunities
Grants and Donations
GPC will allocate funding to local community groups and organisations (i.e. not-for-profits and charities) in each of the port communities in which we operate.
The support will generally be once off within a financial year, and caters for community groups and organisations looking for assistance with an event, small project or purchase of equipment (for example).
Additional Grants and Donations categories and funds may be established from time to time to address specific needs or focus areas, as required.
Before you apply
The Grants and Donations category of our Community Investment Program uses an online application process with set funding rounds. We encourage you to view our Community Investment Program Grants Application Toolkit prior to any further steps.
You will need:
to review our Community Investment Program Grants Application Toolkit to help you prepare your submission
be a community group or organisation (i.e. not-for-profits and charities), have information about your public liability insurance and group details
have details regarding the specific opportunity you are asking for funding for.
How to apply
CLOSED Funding Round 1 2022/23 Grants and Donations
Online applications will close at 4pm, Friday 27 May 2022. This round is for funding to be allocated between 1 August and 31 December 2022
CLOSED Funding Round 2 2022/23 Grants and Donations.
Online applications will open mid-August and close on Friday 30 September 2022. This round is for funding to be allocated between 1 February and 30 June in the following year.
Applications for funding under our Grants and Donations category of the Community Investment Program are generally invited twice per year. Keep an eye out in the local media or on our Facebook page for the latest information. Please ensure you are signed up to the Community Investment Program mailing list.
Community Investment
GPC supports various activities through our Community Investment Program such as provision of our community parklands in Gladstone and through organisations such as the Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Limited.
GPC's major community event, the Port to Park FunD Run, is held annually each August and supports local schools and a community beneficiary in Gladstone.
Furthermore, GPC has a strong history of providing in-kind support of time, education and resources through areas such as school engagement, provision of bursaries to Gladstone, Rockhampton and Bundaberg high schools and community peppercorn leases like the Gladstone Maritime Museum.
More information
For information about our Community Investment Program email or phone our Corporate and Community Relations team on 1800 243 GPC (472).

Previous Gladstone initiative - Gladstone Men’s Shed Early Childhood Services Project

Previous Bundaberg initiative – Sailability Bundaberg sailing dinghy

Previous Rockhampton initiative - Bouldercombe Progress Association Water Tanks Project

Previous Gladstone initiative - Gladstone Men’s Shed Early Childhood Services Project