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Air quality monitoring
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) is committed to the ongoing control and improvement of air quality associated with port activities.
Data collected from sites around Gladstone, which allows us to assess and actively control dust impacts, includes:
particulate concentrations
wind speed
wind direction
relative humidity.
How we monitor air quality
Three compliance and nine operational real time monitors are positioned around RG Tanna Coal Terminal (RGTCT), Barney Point Terminal (BPT) and in various community locations. Dust data is updated every two minutes to allow GPC to assess and control dust impacts on the community and to ensure compliance with our licence conditions.
The monitors are designed to provide accurate real-time data on particulate concentrations, wind speed and direction at each location. This enables us to pinpoint the location of any emission sources, allowing the activation of sprinkler systems to prevent dust emissions.
We also maintain a network of dust deposition gauges (DDGs) in and around our operations and in the community. These gauges measure the quantity of coal dust, mineral dust, plant and insect material settling in an area and are a good indication of the effectiveness of our coal dust emission management measures.
View the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection's hourly air quality data.
Dust mitigation
GPC uses various dust suppression measures to minimise dust emissions from our operations, including:
water cannons and misting sprays on coal conveyors and stockpiles
wind breaks established using direct seeding techniques or planting
watering on unsealed and sealed roads used by GPC vehicles
covering loads prior to travelling on public roads.