December 2017
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January 2017

Development Approvals
Applying for approvals
All works on strategic port land, excluding some minor works, and in port waters require a port development approval.
We are responsible for managing development on strategic port land in accordance with the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 and are the assessment manager for development undertaken wholly on strategic port land under the Planning Act 2016 and associated Planning Regulation 2017. The Planning Act 2016 is the primary planning and development assessment legislation in Queensland and affords ports jurisdictional powers and responsibilities to manage assessable development on strategic port land.
Some development will trigger GPC as a referral agency and other development may also trigger the need for approval under other state or commonwealth legislation, such as the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Pre-lodgement Meeting
Prior to making a development application, participation in a pre-lodgement meeting and/or obtaining written pre-lodgement advice from GPC and any relevant referral agency is encouraged.
For pre-lodgement meetings and development application submissions information, you can contact our Principal Planning Advisor using the below details or via email.
40 Goondoon Street, Gladstone QLD 4680
PO Box 259, Gladstone QLD 4680
P: (07) 4976 1287 or (07) 4976 1314
Land owners consent
Written land owners consent from GPC’s Port Strategy & Development Department must be obtained prior to making an application for any planning or development approval that relates to land owned or leased by GPC.
Development application requirements
Development application requirements are described in detail in the relevant Land Use Plan and at a minimum include:
Being made in the approved format utilising the Development Assessment forms. Applications must be accompanied by the assessments, reports and plans required under the approved forms.
Applications for Material Change of Use and Tidal Works are accompanied by written land owners consent for making the application.
Address and comply with the benchmarks required under the Planning Regulation 2017 including relevant port Land Use Plan and Port overlay:
Proponents are to provide sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with relevant codes including GPC's Development Code 2012. This guideline provides detailed standards and requirements for port development in Bundaberg, Gladstone and Rockhampton.
Development Application Process

For detailed process options, refer to Development Assessment Rules.
Development Decisions
View our approval documents register for application outcomes.