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Technical Advisory and Consultation Committee

Technical Advisory and Consultative Committee (TACC)


We have established a TACC for the Port of Gladstone and Port of Bundaberg maintenance dredging operations. These committees are important platforms that ensure interested stakeholders have a forum to understand our maintenance dredging activities and to assist us and regulatory agencies to access local knowledge and reconcile stakeholder interests.

According to the National Assessment Guidelines for Dredging (NAGD), a TACC is intended to:

  • provide continuity of direction and effort in protecting the local environment

  • aid communication between stakeholders and provide a forum where points of view can be discussed, and conflicts resolved

  • assist in the establishment, as appropriate, of longer-term permitting arrangements, including the development and implementation of Long-term Maintenance Dredging Management Plans (LMDMPs), research, sampling and monitoring programs

  • review ongoing management of maintenance dredging and disposal activities

  • make recommendations to GPC and the regulatory agencies as necessary or appropriate.

An effective TACC is acknowledged as best practice maintenance dredging management by the Maintenance Dredging Strategy (MDS) and is recognised as an appropriate mechanism for engaging with stakeholders.


The ongoing role of the TACC includes:

  • The review of the performance and effectiveness of dredging campaigns, consideration of key learnings from the review, and providing advice on whether the LMDMP requires updating. This enables ports to understand, from a stakeholder’s perspective, the effectiveness of the options chosen and whether there are better ways of undertaking dredging activities in future.

  • Participation in the update and renewal of LMDMPs to ensure the plans reflect any learnings or improvements identified during dredging campaigns.

  • Consideration and response to any concerns raised following the finalisation of LMDMPs including those raised by the general public.

Terms of Reference

Meeting Minutes

To achieve good outcomes it is important for TACC members to appropriately represent key stakeholders and have sufficient skills and expertise. In accordance with guidance provided by the NAGD and the MDS, TACC membership includes QLD and Australian government regulators, non-government bodies, community members and other stakeholders.

Once the need arises for maintenance dredging at the Port of Rockhampton, a TACC will be established in accordance with the NAGD and LMDMP guidelines.

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