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Port of Gladstone Maintenance Dredging

​Port of Gladstone


The main navigational shipping infrastructure within the Port of Gladstone typically requires annual maintenance dredging. Maintenance dredging of additional facilities such as the Gladstone Marina are undertaken when required.

The purpose of this Long-term Maintenance Dredging Management Plan (LMDMP) is to address operational needs, environmental risks, monitoring and adaptive management actions specific to the Port of Gladstone whilst ensuring the ongoing sustainability of maintenance dredging within the port.

Our monitoring


View our monitoring here


A range of studies relevant to maintenance dredging informed the preparation of our LMDMP and the development of its associated management documents. The LMDMP commits to the availability of a range of these documents. These include the outcomes of programs in the long-term maintenance dredging monitoring schedule. This information will be updated and revised periodically taking into account recent investigations in response to changes in risk, or as a result of the completion of monitoring as per the long-term maintenance dredging schedule.

The Sustainable Sediment Management Project (SSM Project) will provide a better understanding of sediment dynamics, characteristics and sedimentation rates that can be used to forecast dredging requirements, analyse avoid, reduce and reuse options and provide justification for proposed and/or selected sediment management solutions into the future. The project aims to minimise environmental impacts and ensure the sustainability of maintenance dredging activities at the Port of Gladstone.

Latest monitoring reports


Latest regulatory reports


Technical Advisory and Consultative Committee


The Technical Advisory and Consultative Committee (TACC) provides for a forum to understand our maintenance dredging activities and to assist GPC and regulatory agencies to access local knowledge and reconcile stakeholder interests.

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