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Channel Duplication Project
To facilitate the future increase in port throughput and a safe two-way passage for ships, the existing Gatcombe and Golding Cutting channels in the ports outer harbour region, will require duplication.
While the timing, scale and volume of Queensland’s trade growth in the short-term is likely to be modest, medium and longer term growth in trade requires extensive planning in readying Queensland for the future.
On current and forecast predictions for Port of Gladstones throughput, specifically deep draft shipping movements, the Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication is unlikely to be required prior to 2023. New trade, that is unforeseen may provide cause for this additional channel capacity prior and therefore, it is prudent to ensure the proper diligence and planning is undertaken given the necessary lead time.
Due to the extensive lead time for these types of large, marine infrastructure programs, it is imperative to undertake early environmental baseline data collection, impacts assessment, approval processes, project design and procurement.
For these reasons, it is essential that GPC complete the Channel Duplication Project Environment Impact Statement (EIS) approval process, having given the appropriate time and consideration to the content and potential addressable impacts.

Key features
The project will include:
duplicating the existing Gatcombe and Golding Cutting channels in the outer harbour of the Port
establishing locations for long-term placement of displaced material including capital and maintenance activities in accordance with relevant legislation
relocating existing, and placement of new, navigational aids for the channel duplication.
Environmental Impact Statement
In 2012, the Coordinator-General declared the project to be a significant project for which an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. The final Terms of Reference (TOR) received in December 2012 set out the matters to be addressed in the EIS associated with the State approval and the final EIS Guidelines were released for public comment by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) in March 2013.
The EIS process allowed the project’s potential environmental, social and economic impacts, both direct and indirect, to be examined and addressed.
The Port of Gladstone Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication Project draft EIS documents were made available for public review and comment from Monday 8 April to Thursday 23 May 2019.
The project EIS has been finalised taking account of any comments received during the period for comment. The final EIS consists of the draft EIS (public display version) and Additional Information to the EIS (AEIS). The final EIS has been lodged with the Office of the Coordinator-General in accordance with the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 and the Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy in accordance with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Viewing the documents
An electronic version of the draft EIS and AEIS documentation for the project can be viewed and downloaded from the links below.
Copies of the draft EIS and AEIS documentation are also available for public viewing for a period of 30 business days from Monday 21 October to Friday 29 November 2019 at the following locations:
GPC's Kullaroo House Reception Area — 40 Goondoon Street, Gladstone, Queensland
Gladstone City Library — 39 Goondoon Street, Gladstone, Queensland
State Library of Queensland — Stanley Place, South Bank Brisbane, Queensland
Department of Environment and Energy — Canberra (email the Department to arrange a viewing time)
Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication Project — Draft EIS Documents
Appendix A3 — Terms of Reference for an EIS cross referencing table
Appendix B1 — Supplementary dredged material placement options
Appendix B2 — Dredged material placement options — Section 1 to 10
Appendix B2 — Dredged material placement options — Appendices A to D
Appendix B2 — Dredged material placement options — Appendices F to H
Appendix B2 — Dredged material placement options — Appendix E figures 1 to 14b
Appendix B2 — Dredged material placement options — Appendix E figures 15 to 28
Appendix E1 — Channel Duplication final geotechnical report — Sections 1 to 9 and Appendices A and B
Appendix E1 — Channel Duplication final geotechnical report — Appendix C GG01 to GG19
Appendix E1 — Channel Duplication final geotechnical report — Appendix C GG20 to GG23
Appendix E1 — Channel Duplication final geotechnical report — Appendices D to E
Appendix E2 — DMPA and Western Basin — final geotechnical report
Appendix E5 — Sediment characterisation plan implementation report (DMPAs) — Sections 1 to 9 and Appendices A to C
Appendix E5 — Sediment characterisation plan implementation report (DMPAs) — Appendix D part A
Appendix E5 — Sediment characterisation plan implementation report (DMPAs) — Appendix D part B
Appendix E5 — Sediment characterisation plan implementation report (DMPAs) — Appendix D part C
Appendix E5 — Sediment characterisation plan implementation report (DMPAs) — Appendices E to I
Appendix E6 — Sampling and Analysis Plan Implementation Report - Barge access channel
Appendix G — Coastal processes and hydrodynamics technical report — Sections 1 to 7
Appendix G — Coastal processes and hydrodynamics technical report — Appendices A to D
Appendix G — Coastal processes and hydrodynamics technical report — Appendix E
Appendix G — Coastal processes and hydrodynamics technical report — Appendices F to K
Appendix H1 — Water Quality Technical Report — Sections 1 to 5 and Appendix A
Appendix H1 — Water Quality Technical Report — Appendices B to D
Appendix I2 — Methodology for ecological impact and risk assessment
Appendix I3 — Threatening processes for conservation significant species
Appendix I4 — Ecology potential impacts and risk assessment ratings
Appendix N1 — Social infrastructure facilities and services inventory
Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication Project — Additional Information to the EIS
AEIS Appendices
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Sections 1 to 2.5.1
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Sections 2.5.2 to 7
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendices A to C
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendix D pages 1 to 30
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendix D pages 31 to 61
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendix E pages 1 to 25
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendix E pages 26 to 50
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendix E pages 51 to 75
Appendix D — Coastal Processes and Hydrodynamics — Appendix E pages 76 to 99
Appendix E1 — Potential impacts and risk assessment methodology
Appendix E2 — Threatening processes for conversation significant species
Appendix E3 — Ecology potential impacts and risk assessment ratings
Appendix E4 — Channel Duplication Project Draft Offsets Strategy
Project fact sheets
More information
For enquiries or more information about the Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication please email or phone our Corporate and Community Relations Team on 1800 243 GPC.