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News & Publications

Media Release

Boaties Welcome Upgrades

MORE than a dozen mooring piles in Auckland Creek will be replaced by Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC)  this month, giving the local boating community a welcome upgrade.  

The 18 mooring piles, which are home to Gladstone’s darling Wistari and local favourite Restless were  originally installed in the early 70s.  Marina Superintendent David Osmond said the boaties who currently lease the moorings through GPC have  been temporarily relocated into Marina Berths to facilitate the works. 

“These mooring piles have served our boating community well but it’s about time for an upgrade with new  Corrosion Protection Pile Sleeves and Pile Ring Mooring System,” Mr Osmond said.

 “We’re kicking off work on Feb 14 and expect the upgrades to be compete just in time as we welcome in  yachties for the Gladstone Ports Corporation’s Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race. 

 GPC is investing approximately $400,000 into the project which will rejuvenate the existing mooring piles  and provide a low maintenance, safer and more durable vessel mooring system. 

The new piles will utilise a high density polyethylene Pile Sleeve as corrosion protection, which eliminates  the need for regular pile repainting, this in turn minimising impact to the environment from maintenance  activities.


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